President's Messages
President’s Messages
I have two items to discuss with you in this issue. (The Mar-Apr Issue of TWOTZ)
If you are planning a trip anywhere near Michigan this summer, please include a visit to our Lincoln Museum in Hickory Corners. Anytime would be great, but particularly the week of August 7 through the 13th. Monday, through Wednesday of that week we will be in Dearborn visiting the Henry Ford Museum, Greenfield Village, Detroit area manufacturing sites such as the Rouge and the Paquette Avenue manufacturing building, also the Edsel Ford and Henry Ford estates, and Ford World headquarters for a tour and lunch. Thursday through Sunday that week we will be at the museum site with many car collection tours, area tours, Lincoln automobiles of all eras, as well as the museum itself. Please click HERE for registration information. If you need a printed copy, please call Bob Johnson at 651-257-1715. He will send you a copy of the information.
Secondly, we are beginning our plans for the 2018 Golden Jubilee celebration of the LZOC. Yes, 50 years. We will have a special large, gold medallion in an attractive wooden box included with each of the first 100 registrations of LZOC members at our 2018 meet. And yes, you may join LZOC, so that you can receive one of our beautiful 50th anniversary medallions as a keepsake of the club you love the best. We will also have shirts and caps available soon that will feature our elegant 50th anniversary logo. Watch the Way of the Zephyr for details.
Tom Brunner
1-17-2017 As you can see from the inside cover of our latest club magazine, our new editor is none other than the son of our previous editor. Richard Cole was appointed editor by the LZOC Board at its October 24, 2016 meeting. A better choice we could not have made. Most importantly, he studied at the feet of his father for at least 20 years. And we consider his father the best automotive editor ever. Richard grabbed hold of the job better than we could possibly have imagined. As I reviewed the previous issue, I saw Dave Cole's influence over and over. You may want to write Richard at rilico@aol.com to wish him well, and thank him for carrying forward in his father's tradition and for his excellent presentation of our club in the automotive press.
Richard wants your articles and thoughts. Please don't think they have to be perfect. Just write down what you are thinking. That is why we call him "editor". He will make you look like Shakespeare. And if you want to write a whole article and help your fellow LZOCers, please do so. That is what makes us a great club.
Please get ready for a wonderful homecoming meet at our Lincoln Museum the second week in August, 2017. The early part of that same week will include a trip to the Dearborn area to visit sites dear to all Lincoln and Ford lovers--The Henry Ford Museum and Greenfield Village, the Rouge Plant tour, The Edsel and Eleanor Ford estate, the Paguette Avenue Plant, the Highland Park Plant, also a stay at the Dearborn Inn. Read all about this in upcoming issues and plan your summer vacation.
Finally, don't forget 2018 is the Golden Jubilee of the LZOC. We are planning a BIG celebration. You will hear about it later this year.
Tom Brunner
11-14-2016 My first opportunity to communicate with you since becoming president is one filled with profound sadness and bright hope.
The sadness, of course, is related to the death of our long time publications editor David L. Cole. Much has been, and will be, written about Dave, but I will just say his integrity, knowledge, and approachability, are examples for each of us. His influence in the automotive club hobby was without parallel. We will carry on using him as our model.
The bright hope involves the growing respect for our cars, particularly the three window coupes from 1937 to 1942, and the Continentals from 1940-48. A rising tide floats all ships.
I am pleased to announce that Jim Blanchard is scheduled to become president, January 1, 2019. Jim owns several of the cars we value highly, including 2 of the 15 Brunn-bodied limousines ever produced, a ‘38 Zephyr convertible sedan, and a ‘40 Continental cabriolet, among others. He is also Director of the Lincoln Museum, and president of the Lincoln Motor Car Foundation. We are fortunate. Drop him an email at jim.zephyr@gmail.com and wish him well.
We are invigorating the Lincoln Zephyr Owners Club. For example, look at our all new website, at lzoc.org. News items are more current. The color is more vivid. There will be more messages about future LZOC events including our 2018 LZOC Golden Jubilee. Please check it out.
All the improvements in our website are due to our outstanding webmaster Bob Mead. He is dedicated, supportive, and very positive. You may remember that he and his late wife Margo were in charge of club membership for many years. So write Bob a note of thanks as he selflessly serves LZOC. Don’t mind that his email address is 32plymouth@gmail.com. We are working to convert him.
We will have more announcements in this space as we identify meets and opportunities in 2017 and 2018 in the “Calendar” section. Stay tuned.
Tom Brunner 12-1-16