Regional Chapters
In 1989, the first regional chapter was established, encouraging more events at the local level and increased participation by the Faithful. Each chapter has its own meets and events, and puts on one of the national Gatherings of the Faithful (GOF's) each year. The annual Gathering of the Faithful in the eastern states is handled by the parent club. Each chapter has its own newsletter and its own dues structure. One must be a member of the national club to be eligible for membership in a chapter. For information on these chapters and their calendars of events, a member may contact the chapter presidents whose names appear below and on page 2 of each issue of The Way of the Zephyr.
LZOC East: Focused on the eastern states, this regional chapter has recently been re-instituted after a long hiatus. Read about the details HERE. Membership applications and checks - $25.00 Annual Dues (payable to LZOC East Chapter) should be mailed to Ray Theriault, 189 Meridien Avenue, Southington, CT 06489-3628. We’ll want your name and/or spouse’s name, address, e-mail
LZOC West, for members who live in California and other western states. Contact David Huhn, 5885 Amaya Dr., LaMesa, CA 91942, phone 619-462-4545. Be sure to check out their presence on Facebook.
LZOC Central, headquartered at present in Wisconsin, for those between the Appalachians and the Rocky Mountains. Contact Ron N. Schneider, 7472 South 82nd Street, Franklin, WI 53132, phone 414-425-2502. LZOC Central Chapter dues may be sent to Cornerstone Registration, Ltd., P.O. Box 1715, Maple Grove, MN 55311, phone 866-427-7583.